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Release 0.1 Package

Compressed file contains the complete set of exff Release 0.1 software.

EXPRESS-to-UML Stylesheets


For Poseidon CE

The EXPRESS 1 to UML 1.4 XMI 1.2 XSLT Stylesheet reads the XML representation of EXPRESS used by the STEP Modules Repository project DTD and generates a UML 1.4, XMI 1.2 UML XMI file for inclusion in a Poseidon CE zargo file.

UML-to-EXPRESS Stylesheets


For Poseidon CE

The UML 1.4 XMI 1.2 XSLT Stylesheet reads the UML 1.4, XMI 1.2 file produced by Poseidon CE and generates an EXPRESS text file.

For ArgoUML

The UML 1.4 XMI 1.2 XSLT Stylesheet reads the UML 1.3, XMI 1.0 file produced by ArgoUML and generates an EXPRESS text file.

UML tool templates and examples

UML Software Engineering or Diagram Tools

The templates contain the pre-defined EXPRESS data types and other constructs required by the stylesheet.

For Poseidon CE

The Poseidon CE Template template model should be used with Poseidon Community Edition. An example model containing one UML diagram that uses the template is also available.

For ArgoUML

The ArgoUML template model should be used with ArgoUML. An example model that uses the template is also available.



Three XML Document Type Declaration (DTDs) are included in Release 0.1.

  • The EXPRESS DTD created as part of the STEP Modules Repository project. It is only included as a convenience. The actual DTD is maintained in the "stepmod" project on SourceForge.
  • The OMG UML 1.3, XMI 1.0 DTD that is added to XMI files before processing using the u2e capability.
  • The Modified OMG UML 1.4, XMI 1.2 DTD that is added to XMI files before processing using the u2e capability.


Tools and utilities

DOS Batch files for Windows users

Three DOS Batch files are included as guides to how to automate the process of reading and writing UML tool files. These use a DOS command line WinZip executable.

  • One batch file executes EXPRESS-to-UML for Poseidon CE.
  • One batch file executes UML-to-EXPRESS for Poseidon CE.
  • One batch file executes UML-to-EXPRESS for ArgoUML.
NOTE: Once the project is fully operational on SourceForge, the links on this page will refer to the files there.