ECHO OFF REM Set up temp working folder, exff folder, Winzip folder and EXPRESS text editor. set EXFFTEMP=C:\WINDOWS\Temp set EXFFDIR=C:\$user\data\Eurostep\exff\ set EXFFZIP=C:\Program Files\WinZip set EXFFEXPEDIT=C:\Program Files\Accessories\wordpad.exe echo ** exff u2e - STEP 1 OF 5: Erase old files in exff temp - IGNORE any error message from erase. cd "%EXFFTEMP%" if NOT exist "%EXFFTEMP%\exfftemptempdir" goto exffmk cd exfftemptempdir erase *.xmi express.txt 99-10-15.dtd cd .. rmdir exfftemptempdir :exffmk mkdir exfftemptempdir cd exfftemptempdir echo ** echo ** exff u2e - STEP 2 OF 5: Extract XMI file from Poseidon zargo file. echo ** copy %1 "%EXFFZIP%\wzunzip.exe" -yb *.xmi If Not ErrorLevel 0 Goto Exit1 rename *.xmi temp.xmi echo ** echo ** exff u2e - STEP 3 OF 5: Add Doctype to XMI file echo ** copy "%EXFFDIR%\dtd\99-10-15.dtd" .\99-10-15.dtd msxsl temp.xmi "%EXFFDIR%\xsl\add_doctypex10.xsl" -o temp2.xmi If Not ErrorLevel 0 Goto Exit2 echo ** echo ** exff u2e - STEP 4 OF 5: Transform XMI file to EXPRESS text echo ** msxsl temp2.xmi "%EXFFDIR%\xsl\u13x10toe1_r01.xsl" -o express.txt If Not ErrorLevel 0 Goto Exit3 echo ** echo ** exff u2e - STEP 5 OF 5: Save the text somewhere echo ** PAUSE start "%EXFFEXPEDIT%" express.txt Goto ExitOK :Exit1 Echo ***UNZIP failed*** Goto ExitOut :Exit2 Echo ***Add DOCTYPE failed*** Goto ExitOut :Exit3 Echo ***Transformation failed*** Goto ExitOut :ExitOK echo ** echo ** exff u2e Complete. echo ** :ExitOut PAUSE EXIT